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Personal Experience

Each child who comes to camp has a story, some more noticeable than others. Some of the children are either withdrawn or in your face, compliant or aggressive, or merely hungry for love and attention. Some are suspicious, demanding, skeptical, rebellious, sexually awakened, disillusioned, and scared to show how much they long for acceptance.

They feel guilt for crimes they have not committed or were forced to be apart of, shame for the secrets that have been revealed, responsible for family break-ups and bewilderment at the shattering of their world. Almost all of these children long for the parents that they have been taken from, regardless of what the parent has done, he is still Dad, she is still Mum. Many of these children find at Kids Camps New Zealand, a haven - an opportunity to succeed.

Most of all, they find acceptance without any strings, love without any reciprocal gratification expected, and an atmosphere of family.

  • My daughter's favourite part of camp was the tea party, food and the buddy where she felt safe and ecure. The support and the attitude of staff was friendly, supportive and positive. My son enjoyed all the activities. He has picked up skills and has grown and developed in to a role model. They both did not want to leave camp and spoke about this for weeks after and felt special that they got to go - what more can a child ask for? The photo albums and comments they treasure. My daughter was definitely happier, confident and felt she could do anything which was asked of her. She has a spark that I hadn’t seen in her for some time. My son is more responsible in his actions and considerate of others especially his brother and sister. He is confident about himself and tries hard at school. He always questions and wants everyone to be fair. Overall it has been an awesome learning fun experience for them. The children love camp - the staff - buddy system, meals and activities. I could not give this to my children being on a low income. They come
    back full of enthusiasm, positive and the attitude and energy they have shows their confidence and new skills.
  • Hi my name is Angel (Confidential) a mother of five children and I am writing this letter of thanks to you all from camp 2011 and 2012. I wish to thank those who finance and organise to provide this camp to hildren in our region. I say from the bottom of my heart that I and my family appreciate all the work that is put into the camp for the children. The children come back with sparks in their eyes, full of enthusiasm and the biggest smiles. They look so full of life and positive in their words, actions and behaviour. There is nothing more than for me to see my children enjoy life, learn and grow in a healthy, safe and happy environment like any other parent. I want them to experience and have fun. I don’t want them to be afraid of tomorrow, death . I have had my life turned upside down 360 degrees within a year when I was diagnosed with cancer. I describe having cancer a life of pain, emotional and physical trauma and uncertainty. A life of hospitals, needles and gowns. My children were my will to fight to live. I am now in remission and fight every minute so that I can spend every second, minute, hour and days watching my children grow up. So once again my heart sings and praises to you all who have made my children and other children have an awesome experience and memories they can cherish.
  • My son had an incredible time at camp. The photos you gave me of him are the only photos we have since our house burnt down. I knew that as his Father I needed to be a better Dad to him and have joined  groups that are teaching me new skills that I did not have. I loved hearing his camp stories about how much he enjoyed the fun activities and want to thank you for the opportunity to us all.
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